Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Organizational Challenge, Day 3

Day 3 of the 21 Day Organizational Challenge hosted by A Bowl Full of Lemons.  Today was my first full day back at work after the Christmas break and a brief bout of sickness.  Anyone else find it difficult to return to "real life" after the lovely (lazy) holidays?

On to Day 3 of the Challenge . . . the Messy Tupperware Cabinets.  Actually, my Tupperware cabinet is pretty organized.  I force myself to get rid of plasticware on a regular basis.  That stuff can multiply rapidly!  Here is my cabinet with only a few pieces of plasticware on the bottom shelf:

But, my pots and pans cabinet was another matter altogether!  I hated just opening the door.  Everything was a jumble and finding the right pan took quite a bit of loud clanging.

 I emptied everything onto the floor.

I grabbed a fresh smelling, antibacterial cleaner and went to work.


Once clean, I lined the bottom of the cabinet with a non-slip liner.

I replaced the pots, stacking skillets by size and utilizing a new lid holder (purchased at Wal-Mart). A couple of my pots were still in the dishwasher since I had just cooked dinner, but as you can see, there is plenty of room to replace them!  Yay!

The crock to hold stirring utensils, etc. found a new home on the counter.

Time to reward myself!

Want to see how others are meeting the 21 Day Organizational Challenge?  Head on over to A Bowl Full of Lemons to check it out!  Don't wait until all the conditions are perfect...  Better DONE than perfect!

Hope y'all have a wonderful, restful evening...


1 comment:

  1. Hi Anita, I love the lid holder idea! Great Job. Your Blog is looking fabulous. Thanks for stopping by... XO Cindy
